
“For me, reason is the natural organ of truth;
but imagination is the organ of meaning.”
CS Lewis (Mere Christianity)

The interplay between the Word and imagination is tricky. Handling “the word of truth” accurately separates the “approved” from those “ashamed” (II Tim 2:15). But between knowing and doing (believing and becoming) lives imagination.

Without imagination King David doesn’t repent of his sin with Bathsheba (II Samuel 12). Jesus’ parables never reveal the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 13:10-13). And the Prodigal never goes home (Luke 15:17). 

But imagination can also lead to deadly consequences. Adultery can take place in the heart without ever being acting upon by just imagining it (Matt 5:28).  

So, what does that have to do with awakening the imagination, storytelling, and drama? Everything.

As you are about to find out.