Kingsgate Creations
Kingsgate Creations is home to a host of culture-changing, creative engagements that invite people to live into the larger story.
Orphans and slaves don’t know who they are because they don’t know what story they belong to, or the part they play. Competing narratives disturb the surface of their lives and muddy the reflection of their true self.
Finding the narrative thread (and holding on to it by God grace) is how we live in this large story.
The king’s gate was the convening ground where competing perspectives and values vied for dominance in the ancient world. In the Book of Esther, this is where Mordecai confronted those who would destroy all he loved. Strategies were forged, risks taken, and the stage was set for God’s intervention. Today we speak about the “Marketplace of Ideas”-not a literal place, but real none the less. It is here that nations, societies and individuals make up their minds and settle their hearts to either embrace God’s narrative or create one of their own.
Kingsgate Creations partners with various academic endeavors through culture changing seminars, convocations, and venues. Gary and Luci speak into and for each of these partnerships and develop materials in different mediums to advance the vision of Kingsgate Creations.
Four lifelong friends, academic pioneers
with a heart to change their world.