Luci's Retreats

A Woman After God’s Own Heart (storyboarding your life) – Accompany Belle on her journey from a provincial life to a magical kingdom, where she discovers a love powerful enough to transform the Beast in her own life.  Along the way explore your own story and how to apply what you’ve learned.

(2-Day Retreat)

Unbridled Hearts (living out Deuteronomy 6:4-5) Dale Evans is our role model, as we tap into some truths as only country songs can, and discover Who’s Stealing Your Heart, How to Unmask the Villain, and Get Ready for the Hero coming on His white horse.

(2-Day Retreat)

One of the Retreats We Do Together

One Short Day in the Emerald City (experiencing emotional healing prayer) –   Somewhere over the rainbow, Dorothy and her three friends must face their demons, “bring back the witch’s broom” and recapture their destinies.  We will tag along as we sort out our own stories of what has really happened to us and give God the opportunity to pull back the curtain on our lives.

                                   (1-Day Retreat)

Gary's Retreats

The 5 Cures to Just About Everything (becoming conversant with Psalm 42) Russ Duritz, professional image consultant, is about to run into his 8-year-old self and discover his soul has been buried under a pile of false assumptions.  We will join him on his journey of self-discovery and soul care as he gets back on track and embraces his true destiny.

(2-Day Retreat)

The Path to Becoming a Wise Fool (applying Ephesians 4:15) – Saddle up with three city slickers who desperately need to grow up. Along the way discover the stages of maturity, why a crisis can be a stepping stone to growth or the defining moment that distorts who you are.

(2-Day Retreat)

The 4 Storytellers in a Man (living out Deuteronomy 6:4 through the lenses of warrior, lover, sage, and king)Our guide is Philippe “The Mouse” who is neither warrior, lover, sage, or king; Philip is a thief.  But, he understands the power of story and keeps up a running dialog with God.  He is aware that there is something beyond his control, he bargains, begs, tries to quit—a lovable rascal caught up in a mystery, pushed beyond hIs abilities—in other words, he’s just like us.

The Liminal Journey (facing life’s transitional periods of ambiguity and disorientation). We are always navigating transitions and change, whether we like it or not (mostly we don’t like it). These uncomfortable (and often humbling) liminal moments force us to venture beyond the threshold of our comforts and into the mysterious regions where the opportunity exists to sort out our treasures from our trash. “I have learned the secret in whatever situation I am to be content (Phil. 4:11).”

Breaking the Fourth Wall Have fun storming the castle with Westley, Buttercup and a host of archetypical characters  that help us discover where we are mostly dead, how to navigate the Fire Swamp, get out of the revenge business, and find true love. The Princess Bride looks at Psalm 91—inconceivable!

(2-Day Retreat)

Living in the Same Universe with God  (unpacking I Corinthians 16:13-14) –  Experience your own leap of faith as we hitchhike with Joe on a long and twisted journey to jump into a volcano.  Along the way he will  sort out his life, find real courage, meet his true love, and encounter a God who is utterly faithful but notoriously unpredictable.

(2-Day Retreat)

The Shadow Knows (what to do with our fallen selves) Carl Jung calls it the 12th archetype, CS Lewis characterizes it as a greasy ghost with a lizard attached to its shoulder. Either way it’s embarrassing, crippling, and often fatal if we don’t discover what to do with it. (Hint: you can’t kill it or escape it.) Romans 7 is only the beginning.

The Story of Forgiveness (The book is in the final edits and proposals stage. The retreat has been up and running for years) The secrets to forgiveness are hidden in inside a 4,000 year long story. Step into the biblical story and discover how to navigate your own story with forgiveness.

The Anatomy of Joy (applying Scripture from the perspective of  neurological theology) “In His presence is fullness of joy” (Ps 16:11). Joy is a relational fruit of the Spirit. Turning on the relational (and spiritual) circuits in our brains involves, among other things, awakening and strengthening our joy center (the right orbital prefrontal context if you must know).